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cfi-indonesia.id. Semarang Fishing Center (BBPI) as the Technical Implementation Unit of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries (DJPT) participates in the blue economy program launched by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP). One of the implementation of the program is the implementation of Crab Folding Trawl Fishing Gear Technology in East Seram Regency (WPP 715) in collaboration with the Directorate of Fish Resources Management (Dit. PSDI) together with BBPI Semarang using grant funds from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) - 6 Coastal Fisheries Initiative - Indonesia Child Project (CFI-ICP).

The Implementation of Crab Folding Trawl Fishing Tool Technology in East Seram Regency (WPP 715) aims to increase the knowledge and skills of fishermen in East Seram to make and operate crab folding trawl fishing tools that are environmentally friendly and support ecosystem-based fisheries management. Participants in this activity were 30 representatives of crab traps fishermen in East Seram as one of the GEF-6 CFI Indonesia project sites. This activity was held for 3 days (August 19 - 21, 2024), preceded by identification activities which were held for 4 days (August 15 - 18, 2024).

The technical guidance on fish and crab folding traps was held at the village hall of Negeri Banggoi, West Bula Sub-district, East Seram Regency starting August 19, 2024. Present at the opening ceremony were Raja Budiyamin Baliman as the head of Negeri Banggoi Village, Jahdi Marasabessy as the Head of the Fisheries Service, La Mance as the Head of Capture Fisheries and Ambo Ismail Taufiq Wakanubun as the First Assistant Secretary of East Seram Regency. In his remarks, the Head of Service expressed his hope to the fishermen participants to be serious in participating in this technology application activity, because there is a very new fishing gear from the big fishing center Semarang.

Meanwhile, Assistant I of the SBT Secretary expressed his gratitude to the BBPI and GEF 6 team for the implementation of this technology application activity and hoped that the fishermen would absorb as much knowledge as possible from the resource persons, because this opportunity is very rare.

Yazid Zaini, Team Leader of BBPI Semarang, hopes that with this activity, fishermen can make and operate crab folding traps of various types to improve welfare through income from the catch of environmentally friendly traps.

The participants gained new knowledge from the introduction of crab folding traps, crab folding traps assembly and crab bank material. The introduction of 4 types of crab traps by Yazid Zaini both from existing crab fishermen and BBPI innovation results. The existing crab traps that were introduced included fixed crab traps, throwing crab traps, box crab traps and BBPI innovative crab traps. BBPI innovation crab folding latrine, in size refers to the size of crab latrine in Ohoi Dertom Southeast Maluku in 2023, with dimensions of 90x60x35 cm. The BBPI innovation folding latrine has several advantages, namely, easy folding and enforcement, does not require a large space when transporting on a ship, easy maintenance, has a longer economic life compared to natural bubu and uses environmentally friendly degradable materials.

The assembly method of BBPI's innovative crab folding traps was delivered by Sansan. He explained the steps of assembling the crab folding traps starting with the installation of frame ropes, tying, net installation and injab. The injab installation consists of single injab and double injab types.

Kukuh Anggriawan introduced crab bank. This material was delivered based on the request of Assistant Regional Secretary I, responding to the problem of the length of storage time (post-capture crab handling before marketing). Buyers come up to 7 days without being fed, so that the quality and weight of the crabs decrease. The Crab bank serves as a temporary shelter for crabs before being sold by maintaining the quality of the crabs by being fed in the Crab House and Crab Shelter (jerry cans) that have been installed with water circulation and Crab Cage (woven bamboo), so that the crabs are not thin when sold.

The practice of assembling crab folding bubu with participants divided into 15 groups of 2 people each. Each group is targeted to complete one unit of crab folding bubu. The assembly starts from installing the frame rope, tying the knot, installing the net wall and installing the injab, both single injab and double injab.

After assembly, followed by sea practice of hauling the crab folding traps installed on the first day followed by all participants using 6 boats owned by fishermen. Based on the results of operating 17 traps, 9 crabs of varying sizes were obtained. A total of 6 crabs weighed above 200 g. The number is considered small, but it is considered reasonable because the location is not a frequently used target fishing ground, because the water conditions at the time of installation of the bubu have not fully receded and cannot be reached given the limited time and distance to the location.

In general, the participating fishermen were very satisfied with the implementation of this technology application activity. They hope that similar activities can be carried out so that fishermen's knowledge of fishing gear will also increase.


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