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GEF-6 Coastal Fisheries Initiative (CFI) Indonesia introduced Safeguard and Gender implementation to stakeholders related to the scope of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and other partners in Bogor, 9-11 December 2022.

GEF-6 is a program of close cooperation, between CFI Indonesia, WWF US, and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) through the Directorate of Fish Resources Management (PSDI), with the aim of encouraging ecosystem-based fisheries management (Environmental Approach to Fisheries Management/EAFM), supporting small-scale fishing fisheries, protecting important species such as reef fish, small pelagics, mud crabs, whale sharks and leatherback turtles, encouraging the revitalization of indigenous peoples, and empowering women.

In practice, GEF 6 has the desire not only to promote these goals, but also to increase the capacity of its human resources. And in this case, what GEF6 want to improve is not only the capacity of the community, local government and partners, but also within the scope of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries itself. One of them is through technical guidance of Safeguard and Gender Capacity Building for 2 days on 9-11 December 2022 in Bogor.

Dr. Adipati Rahmat Gumelar conveyed instructions and directions in overseeing environmental protection and gender mainstreaming.

Safeguard itself is simply an effort to oversee GEF6 activities so that in achieving goals, it can maximize the positive value of the GEF6 project while minimizing the negative impacts that may arise as a result of the GEF6 activities themselves.

During the Safeguard and Gender Capacity Building event, Dr. Adipati Rahmat Gumelar, conveyed four guidelines, as a guide so that participants can understand steps that can be taken to avoid negative impacts when GEF6 carries out activities in the field, or what things what should be done if there are unwanted and unavoidable conditions.

The four standards are the Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF), the Resettlement Policy Framework and Process Framework (RPF-PF), and the Environmental and Social Safeguard (ESS), and are Gender Mainstreaming.

Through the participants, who are now also messengers of environmental protection and gender mainstreaming, it is hoped that they can work together, share roles, so that the implementation of the GEF6 project can be even better and beneficial for all parties, especially the community and the ecosystem itself.


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