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cfi-indonesia.id. Bogor (10/10/2023), The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) together with Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University, in collaboration with the Capture Fisheries Consortium Partnership Forum (FK2PT) and the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS), held "The 2nd Capture Fisheries International Seminar''. The International Seminar funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) - 6 Coastal Fisheries Initiative – Indonesia Child Project (CFI-ICP) grant in Eastern Indonesia with the theme "Smart Technology for Quota-Based Sustainable Fisheries" will be held on Thursday 12 October 2023.

This activity aims to 1) Synergize academics, government, business people, and the community in strengthening the fisheries and marine sector by applying technology and preserving the environment; 2) Establish scientific communication between academics, government, fisheries businesses/practitioners and the community, both at home and abroad; 3) Disseminate information on research results in the field of capture fisheries in particular, and fisheries in general in scientific forums that can be utilized as information or reference material for stakeholders in the field of marine fisheries, at home and abroad; 4) Increase the number of research publications in reputable international journals from researchers who have disseminated their research results at international seminars.

The Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University (PSP FPIK IPB) is mandated to develop an environmentally friendly and sustainable capture fisheries science and technology, which includes fishing gear, fisheries resource exploitation technology, fisheries vessels and transportation, capture fisheries policy, capture fisheries management, and fisheries port management (Rector Decree No. 126/I3/OT/2008). As one of the efforts to carry out this mandate, the Department of PSP FPIK IPB has regularly held a National Seminar on Capture Fisheries and an International Seminar on Capture Fisheries in collaboration with KKP, FK2PT and AFS. This activity is also in the framework of supporting the achievement of SDGs. Apart from that, it is hoped that this activity can encourage strengthening MMAF policies in implementing Quota-Based Sustainable Fisheries

Sustainable development is an agenda set by the United Nations as a world development agenda for the benefit of humans and planet earth, better known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as an effort to overcome poverty, inequality, and climate change. Marine ecosystems are one of the SDGs goals in the 2030 Agenda, to protect and sustainably utilize oceans, seas, and marine resources.

The use of technology in the utilization of fisheries resources is one of the keys to marine utilization and management. The use of technology in the utilization of fisheries resources is essential to ensure that fisheries resource utilization activities can be carried out effectively, efficiently, and sustainably. The development of world technology has changed and significantly impacted some industries, including capture fisheries. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 was a disruptive period where almost all aspects of human activity experienced fundamental changes due to technological advances. Robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, and other technologies are all evolving during the fourth industrial revolution. These technologies need to be applied to the capture fisheries industry from upstream to downstream to improve efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, accuracy, transparency, and quality assurance in developing the capture fisheries industry. The paradigm shift going forward is the era of society 5.0, where technology remains the primary focus but still relies on humans as the main actors. 

The chairman of this international seminar was Prof. Dr. Budy Wiryawan, a lecturer at the Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization. The speakers were 1) the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia, represented by the Head of the Marine and Fisheries Human Resources Development Agency, Dr. I Nyoman Radiarta; 2) the Rector of IPB Prof. Arif Satria; and 3) President of Asian Fisheries Society Neil Loneragan, BSC Hons, PhD. The seminar presented speakers at the panel discussion session, namely Prof. Ari Purbayanto (Lecturer of Fisheries Resources Utilization Department, IPB University); Prof. Hammam Riza (President of Collaborative AI Research & Industrial Innovation Association (KORIKA); Prof. Stephen Eayrs (Director of Smart Fishing Consulting, Australia); Mudjekeewis D. Santos, PhD (Scientist at National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Philippines). The invited speakers will present papers on developing and applying smart technologies in the capture fisheries industry in their respective countries.

This seminar will also present papers from researchers/academics from within and outside the country related to the results of research/studies in the form of the latest concepts or technologies that can be used to develop capture fisheries in particular and in general. The seminar was attended by participants from various universities, research institutions, and non-governmental organizations, namely: IPB University, Tirtayasa University, Pattimura University, Khairun University, Diponegoro University, Indonesia Defense University, Sriwijaya University, Bangka Belitung University, Mataram University, Pajajaran University, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology Jakarta Fisheries Business Expert Polytechnic, Dumai Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic, Jembrana Fisheries Polytechnic, Bitung Fisheries, and Marine Polytechnic, National Innovation Research Agency, Word Life Conservation Indonesia, Indonesian Society and Fisheries, Tuna Consortium Indonesia, Rekam Nusantara Foundation. Sixty-two speakers will present their papers offline, 26 papers, and 36 online with Fishing Technology, Fisheries Resources, Fisheries Policy and Fisheries Management sub-themes. 

The sustainability of this seminar activity is expected to collaborate research and publications between IPB academics and researchers from within and outside the country and increase the number of publications of IPB lecturers in respected international journals.


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